Meet our Filipino Ministries Strategic Readiness Team (SRT)
The Filipino Strategic Readiness Team, led by facilitator Rodrigo Quema, meets annually to pray, plan and strategize for their perspective ethnic group in the USA/Canada. The team is comprised of Filipino pastors that have been approved by their District Superintendent and the Multicultural Ministries Director. Click here to contact the team facilitator.
Check here for upcoming events

Mission & Strategic Plan of Action
The vision of the Filipino Ministries of USA/Canada for the next Quadrennium so that we can encourage open communication and mutual assistance. In the Philippines, we use the word, “Balikatan”, which means “shoulder to shoulder” to communicate the idea of cooperation in order to meet common goals. The relationships built during this time of fellowship can help greatly in establishing this vision.
Filipino Ministries: “exists to support districts, pastors, local churches, and leaders in the task of making Christlike disciples among Filipino groups in the U.S. and Canada.” It also endeavors to:
Encourage the development of strategy, initiative, and resources to reach the USA/Canada mission field through the visionary leadership of an Filipino Mission Facilitator and Strategy Committee
Facilitate the creation of resources for pastors, local congregations, and for ministerial preparation through the strategy committee;
Utilize as strategy committee members, church leaders who are committed to establishing the Kingdom of God in the hearts of Filipino people in their communities Here’s our strategic plan of action:
Short Term: Our Vision is that each existing Filipino church will start one new “church” in the next quadrennial.
Long Term: That we plant churches in the following cities of USA and Canada by the year 2020. (Seattle, Las Vegas, Houston, Virginia Beach, Chicago, Honolulu, Vancouver, Calgary)

18 Congregations
1,434 Total Members
845 Average Worship Attendance
Click here for more statistics from cultural group reports
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Census Foreign Born Population
Wesleyan Holiness Library
To order at Gospel Tracts in English or additional languages contact
Introduction to Lifelong Learning Registry in English
2017 Filipino Leadership Conference Pictures