The Korean Strategic Readiness Team, led by facilitator Rev. John Lee
Rev. John Lee was elected as the new Korean facilitator by the Korean Pastors on September 28, 2022. Click here to contact the team facilitator.
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Mission & Strategic Plan of Action
Korean Ministries: “exists to support districts, pastors, local churches, and leaders in the task of making Christlike disciples among Korean groups in the U.S. and Canada.” It also endeavors to: Encourage the development of strategy, initiative, and resources to reach the USA/Canada mission field through the visionary leadership of an Korean Mission Facilitator and Strategy Committee. Facilitate the creation of resources for pastors, local congregations, and for ministerial preparation through the strategy committee; Utilize as strategy committee members, church leaders who are committed to establishing the Kingdom of God in the hearts of Korean people in their communities
Meet our Korean Ministries Strategic Readiness Team (SRT)
Korean Mission Strategy Initiative (KMSI) 한인 선교 전략 계획
The Korean SRT/Association has developed the Korean Mission Strategy Initiative (KMSI) as the result of brainstorming, discussion, and planning along with much prayer to strengthen the existing ministries and to expand the Kingdom with planting new churches in the Korean mission field of the USA/Canada Region.
한인선교 전략국/총연은 많은 기도와 함께 의견교환, 논의, 그리고 계획수립 과정의 결실로 기존 교회 사역들을 강화하고 미주 지역 한인 선교 현장에 새로운 교회 개척을 통한 왕국의 확장을 위하여 “한인 선교 전략 계획”을 수립하였다
72 Congregations
2,328 Total Members
1,387 Average Worship Attendance
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Dr. Sung heon David Lee, Korean Ministries Facilitator and Korean Association President reports on the
Pastor's Conference held June 13 - 16, 2016 in Dallas, Texas.
156 pastors and their families gathered in Dallas, Texas for the Korean Pastor's Conference. The theme of the conference was “One family, One Nazarene”. The special speaker for the conference was Dr. David E. Downs, West Texas District Superintendent who was very inspiring. Dr. Don Walters Pensions & Benefits Director provided helpful information in his workshop. The youth, pastors’ wives, and pastors met in small groups to share and communicate each other. Other activities were planned to help find and create a Nazarene identity.

Korean Conference 2016
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