Meet our Portuguese Ministries Strategic Readiness Team (SRT)
The Portuguese Strategic Readiness Team, led by facilitator Rev. Benedito Monteiro, meets annually to pray,
plan and strategize for the Portuguese Ministries in the USA/Canada. Click here to contact the team facilitator.
Rev. Benedito Monteiro
Click here to E-mail: 
2022 Portuguese Multicultural Conference 
The Portuguese-speaking Multicultural conference was held on June 24-25, 2022 at the facility of the Nova Aliança Church of the Nazarene in Brockton, Massachusetts. This long-awaited event had been postponed due to the pandemic. The Nazarene Portuguese churches in our Region gathered under the theme of “Servant Leadership in the Ministry”.
The Conference began with a worship service and a message by keynote speaker Rev. Dr. Oziel Morais, who came from Cape Verde where he has been the Academic Director of the Nazarene Seminary and Education Coordinator in Lusophone Countries in Africa. He challenged and encouraged all leaders—pastors and lay people with leadership positions in local churches—to adopt a victorious and servant leadership stance in ministry both inside and outside the church to better reach and influence the community for Christ.
Dr. Morais, presented a series of workshops with practical, educational, transformative, motivational, and inspirational insights based on Scripture, with input from research, and also personal and ministerial experiences. Pastor Rev. Joyce Temple, also presented an inspiring workshop on missions, informing and educating the participants on calling and sending missionaries.
With gratitude to the Lord, we are glad to report the increase in the number of Portuguese-speaking churches, with the opening of two more mission churches during the pandemic period. One in Lowell, MA, sponsored by the First Church of the Nazarene in Lowell, and another in Falmouth, sponsored by the Nova Aliança Church of the Nazarene in Brockton, MA. Our goal for the next two years is to plant three more new churches in the Region, including Canada, where we do not yet have congregations in Portuguese.
To God be all the glory for all that He has done and will continue to do for and through the Portuguese speaking churches in this Region. Our gratitude to God and to all who collaborated with us, supporting us in various ways to make this Conference possible, which we can say, without a doubt, was successful. Glory to God!
Until our next Conference in June 2024, God willing.
Benedito Monteiro
Portuguese Facilitator
Mission & Strategic Plan of Action
Portuguese Ministries exists to support districts, pastors, local churches, and leaders in the task of making Christlike disciples among African groups in the U.S. and Canada. Here’s our strategic plan of action:/p>
- Encourage the development of strategy, initiative, and resources to reach the USA/Canada mission field through the visionary leadership of a Portuguese Mission Facilitator and Strategy Committee
- Facilitate the creation of resources for pastors, local congregations, and for ministerial preparation through the strategy committee;
- Utilize as strategy committee members, church leaders who are committed to establishing the Kingdom of God in the hearts of Portuguese people in their communities
Portuguese Ministries 2022
12 Congregations
515 Total Members
336 Average Worship Attendance
Click here for more statistics from cultural group reports.
Find a Portuguese Speaking Church (Select "Portuguese" as Spoken Language under the Advance List Search)
One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism in Portuguese
Church of the Nazarene Manual in Portuguese