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Meet our South Asian Ministries Strategic Readiness Team (SRT) 

NallanThe South Asian Strategic Readiness Team, led by facilitator Rev. Christopher Nallan, meets annually to pray, plan and strategize for their perspective ethnic group in the USA/Canada.  The team is comprised of South Asian pastors that have been approved by their District Superintendent and the Multicultural Ministries Director. Click here or call (408) 460-4609 to contact the team facilitator. 

Check here for upcoming events


Mission & Strategic Plan of Action

South Asian Ministries exists to support districts, pastors, local churches, and leaders in the task of making Christlike disciples among African groups in the U.S. and Canada. 

Our goal is to identify, develop and train South Asian leaders and help strategize church plants. Vision 2020: 20 registered congregations by the year 2020.

Here’s our strategic plan of action:

  • Connect to Christ : Prayer
    • Pray unitedly for the vision once in a month, every 3rd Saturday.
    • Formulate a prayer focus group.
  • Connect with one another as a SRT team 
    • Monthly e-mail updates
    • Quarterly conference calls
    • SRT Yearly meeting: 2nd week of Aug 2016, San Jose, CA.
    • Summit/SRT South Asian for pastors and key lay people: Aug 2017
    • Facebook page (SRT) South Asian Nazarene Connection.
  • Connecting to the USA/Canada Region 
    • To find out how many churches are in existence and functioning.
    • To be available to district superintendents and pastors to assist in development of South Asian ministries.
    • To identify leaders and affirm their calling thru through the work of districts, pastors, prayer networks, and summits.
    • To help assess leaders for leadership development: (character issues and leadership skills)
    • To encourage ministerial preparation and development thru: Multicultural English MPP (NBC) and CLT.
    • To organize Church Planting Training DCPI
  • Partnership with local churches 
    • Develop resources for existing 1stgeneration churches in their transition to 2nd generation.
    • Provide a strong bridge to local church for 1.5 generation and beyond.




Includes: Hindi, South Asian, and Tamil

3 Congregations

81 Total Members 

95 Average Worship Attendance

Click here for more statistics from cultural group reports.



