Meet our Samoan Ministries Strategic Readiness Team (SRT)

The Samoan Strategic Readiness Team, led by facilitator Rev. Ritchie Asuega, meets annually to pray, plan and strategize for the Samoan Ministries in the USA/Canada. The team is comprised of Samoan pastors that have been approved by their District Superintendent and the Multicultural Ministries Director. Click here to contact the team facilitator.

Why do we exist?
Our Samoan Ministries (a.k.a. SAO, the Ministry of Samoan and Others) exist to promote and fulfill the mission of the Multicultural Ministries in its effort to support our districts, assigned district coordinators, pastors, local churches, and church leaders in the task of making Christlike disciples in the USA/Canada Region.
What is our Mission?
To revitalize our plateaued churches, plant new churches, and recruit young people to full-time ministry.
What is our action plan?
- To strategically group our local churches into zones to organize prayer campaigns that would engage our pastors and their congregations in prayer in order to seek God’s direction and claim His provision for our mission.
- To prayerfully organize our zone outreach events in our target communities so we could connect with the non-Nazarenes (believers and unbelievers) who must experience God’s presence and hear the Gospel through a distinctive Nazarene voice.
- To prayerfully encourage, recruit, train, and equip young leaders, and to send them out into the harvest field through the service of the local churches.
- To prayerfully assist and support our young leaders in their goal to serve in full-time ministry.
- To prayerfully serve in partnership with our district superintendents in the process of planting new churches and to support our districts in areas where the need may arise.
- To prayerfully organize leadership conferences, holiness seminars, and workshops to help our people grow in their knowledge and understanding of how to be Christlike in word and in action so we could be strategic in our missional approach and transformational in our influence on our target communities.
- To prayerfully organize the Biennial Conference as an outreach tool that would mobilize the entire SAO to reach more families and friends with the message of Holiness in Christ.
- To facilitate communicating the Gospel and the message of Holiness in Samoan for the benefit of non-English speakers.
What is our Vision for the future?
We envision an America where our Samoan churches are revitalized and there is a Nazarene church planted next to every non-Nazarene church to be led by a pastor of the age between 20 and 40 in the USA/Canada region.
Samoan Ministries 2022
23 Congregations
1,509 Total Members
831 Average Worship Attendance
Click here for more statistics from cultural group reports.
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