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The resources on this page are created to empower the parent/guardian in the life of each child.

Let's Party! Half-Million Mobilization: Bringing People to Jesus
HMM Curriculum Coming Soon

Kids love to be invited and they love to celebrate! In this series, the kids will understand that Jesus invites each of us into a personal, life-changing relationship with Him. We aren’t the only ones invited to this party; we are also invited to bring others with us to meet Jesus. When people meet Jesus, their lives can be forever changed! Each week, the kids will learn practical ways to bring others to Jesus. This is an 8-week series with Early Childhood (ages 3-5) lessons and Elementary (grades 1-6) lessons and includes 8 Kids' Moments, a Preteen Event Bundle, and 50 Family Devotions.

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Half-Million Mobilization: Blessing Our Community
BLESS Curriculum

Half-Million Mobilization is a fifty-day journey of prayer designed to be used from Easter to Pentecost but can be used any time of the year. Each series has a different theme. For this series, the theme is Blessing Our Community. Included: 50 family devotions, 7 family service projects, and 7 kids’ moments (for use in the sanctuary service, kids’ worship service, midweek, etc.)

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Movilización de Medio Millón: Bendiciendo a Nuestra Comunidad
Bring Curriculum Coming Soon

La Movilización de Medio Millón es un recorrido de oración de cincuenta días diseñado para usarse desde Pascua hasta Pentecostés, pero que puede usarse en cualquier momento del año. Cada serie tiene un tema diferente. En esta serie, el tema es Bendiciendo a nuestra comunidad. Incluye: 50 devocionales familiares en español.

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Global Week of Prayer
Global Week of Prayer

Global Week of Prayer is a week when Nazarenes around the world take time each day to talk to God, give thanks, and pray for an area of the world where our church is present and active. Global Week of Prayer is March 2-8, 2025. A daily guide is provided for adults and children in various languages including English, Español, Français, Portugués, and 한국인.

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